I still don’t have the mood to study for final exam… =.=
I’m half study and half blogging now… =.=
What i read really cannot absorb to my mind. =.=
I don’t understand what i’m reading now.
YEA ! I’m LAZY !
I just hope can faster holiday~ can find part time job~ Earn and save money~
Cause i really want to go travel with my bei next year~
I hope my dad will buy a car for me~ he suggested Viva~ New Proton Saga~ and Kancil………….=.=
Don’t want Kancil… I rather want a bicycle… Zzz…
A friend sent me a link just now. She taught me how to online shopping~
Too bad my hand feel itchy after saw the link..
Her fault~ :P Must ask her help me to buy :D
Bei’s sister just me a link too~ It’s a food blog~
She is going to eat Japanese Buffet tomorrow~
So envy…………..T_T
The foods seem so delicious in the pictures~ And the environment there nice too~
Only RM60 per person~
Sob sob…. I wanna go too :(
I like to read his sister blog~ Cause i love to eat too :D
Too bad i don’t have the chance to go and try :(
I rather spend money on food~ Not on clothes~ haha~
It’s not a time to dream now..
It’s time to study now…
Gambatte Bao Bao~
Study ah~~ don so lazy ahh~~ U finish liao exam I promise u to bring you to anywhere you want k ? Juz focus and study~! Bao Bao Gambatte~~